
James & Carmen Marcoux

James and Carmen Marcoux founded Pure Witness Ministries as a youth and family ministry in 2011 in response to the call to the New Evangelization.

As parents of nine and grandparents of six, they realized that one of the best ways to help keep young people engaged in their faith for life is by setting before them young adults who embrace their faith.  This spurred the idea of offering a year of missionary service to young Catholic adults so that in providing them the opportunity to live in community, be better formed in their faith and trained in the work of evangelization they could go out as pure witnesses of the faith inspiring youth and families with a message of hope.  Those who set Christ at the heart of their lives will live more fulfilled lives and will inspire others, by their witness, to seek out Christ themselves.  The ripple effect of pure witnesses is a way of changing our world one heart at a time.

As Co-Founders, James and Carmen still work intensely with the mission of Pure Witness, fostering its on-going growth so that this amazing life-changing opportunity continues to be available for young missionaries as a way of building future leaders for our Church and our world.