I am the vine
you are the branches
Parish Missions
What the Pure Witness Retreat Team Brings to your Parish Mission
Our world is hungry for truth. Youth and families are looking for answers. They desire to live lives full of purpose and to have the integrity of character that will allow them to become all that they were created to be.
As Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI once said:
“The world offers you comfort, but you were not made for comfort, you were made for greatness!”
This truth rings clearly in the hearts of everyone. The empty promises of the world quickly lose their sparkle; we all want something more to live for. We find that something is actually a someone … Jesus Christ! It is so easy to let the world distract us from the true purpose of our being − eternal life with God! Yet as we focus our hearts back on Christ and set him at the heart of our lives, we find that we have something great to live for. When we set Christ at the heart of our lives and become rooted in the rich teachings of our Catholic faith, we are able to go out and impact this world.
“I am the vine, you are the branches.
Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit,
because apart from me you can do nothing.”
— John 15:5
We are equipped to answer His unique call for our lives to build our families, to build our parish community, to build our church, and ultimately to build the Kingdom of God. This call will lead us to eternal life with God; however, Jesus does not only promise us joy for all eternity, He blesses us with joy for the journey in this life, now! This is the truth Pure Witness will convey to the youth and families of your parish.
“I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you,
and that your joy may be complete.”
— John 15:11
Host a Parish Mission
What is involved in booking a Pure Witness Parish Mission?
Our Retreat Team will arrive on a Saturday and be in attendance of your weekend masses. Please introduce them to your parish. You may invite them to help with the music that Sunday for your masses … a great way to encourage the parishioners to participate in the Parish Mission.
Three Day Mission
The Three-Day Parish Mission runs Sunday, Monday and Tuesday evenings. If you offer an evening mass, the mission sessions will start up immediately following. We encourage the parish priest to consider making confession times readily available before and after mission sessions.
The price of a Parish Mission is $2500
Food & Shelter
Parishes are responsible to provide meals and host homes for the team of missionaries during their time of service with your parish.
If you are interested in booking a Parish Mission please email us (click the button on the right) or call us at (639) 998-1145 to work out your specific package.